Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Last night I watched a talk show which, among other topics, discussed the case of a young mother in California who now has a total of 14 children after giving birth to octuplets! Although it started calmly and civily, it very quickly turned into a passionate volley of points of view. Questions about motives and whether or not this is tantamount to child abuse dominated the discussion. Politics - California style - was briefly touched from an angle of health and human services.

The two guests, both defense attorneys, and the host were very passionate as each make a case for and against reasons propounded. The interest on this story is high judging from the media coverage given to it, and appears not to be going away soon.

My point is: Passion, Politics & Point of View could have a happy mix when handled civily without resorting to personal attacks and name calling. I, for one, am interested in discussions aimed at bringing out the best of various points of view. In other words, let's look at the merit of the idea or ideas being proposed. We can debate, offer our critique and counter the ideas, and yes with passion but never hurl darts at one another. If we can do this, I'd call it Progress in our humanity.

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