Sunday, March 01, 2009

Speaking of Sin

It's hard to believe that we're now on the first day of the last month of the first quarter of 2009! Oh, okay I'll just simply say March 1, 2009.


Nowadays, it's called by different names, let alone being denied that it even exists - mistakes, lapses, political incorrectness, shortcomings, cultural divergence, negligence, flaws, etc. - when there is a three-letter word for it, SIN. Let's call spade a spade.

Viewed as a moral act, it is putting one's interest more than doing what is right. It is a violation of the law of love, which is choosing the highest good of God and His Universe. It is saying "I'll get what I want regardless of who gets hurt along the way."

A question is asked, "Is it natural to commit sin? After all, we're just human."

No, it's not, if you look at it from God's vantage point. His word is clear on this: He hates sin. He never planned it.

Think of the horror, the havoc that sin wreaks on our world. Think of suffering, poverty, hunger, crime, despair and death that directly result from it. Natural? Heavens no!

Now think of how much it cost God. Sin cost Him His Son! Think about that.

No, sin is not natural even looking at it from man's point of view. We incarcerate criminals, rehabilitate addicts and punish the guilty ones. Why do this if sin is natural? It does not make sense now, does it?


"When you attack the roots of sin, fix your thought more on the God you desire than on the sin you abhor." ----Walter Hilton