Friday, May 28, 2010

Pinnacle of Pride

I just read an article which recounts a comment allegedly made by a professing atheist in a debate that he is better than God. Assuming the statement was actually made, can you think of a more arrogant claim than that? No sensible mind would believe that of course, but on second thought, perhaps he’s got a point. An atheist does not believe that God exists, right? So when he made that assertion, he was unwittingly comparing himself to a non-existent being, therefore, he is better than Nothing.

Going back to the atheist’s comment, it reminds me of what the Good Book says, “The fool says in his heart: There is no God”. Why is a denier of God a fool? The Hebrew word for “fool” connotes moral deficiency. In fact the succeeding passage of Psalm 14 states that his ways are corrupt and his deeds vile. When a person refuses to face up to his moral obligation and responsibility, the only option left for him is to deny the Ultimate Being to Whom he innately knows he is accountable. Such act of denial is unwise, foolish.

In my correspondence to Cara (see previous posts), I said that it is my belief that every man knows within him that there exists a Supreme Being. In addition, he is surrounded by overwhelming evidences that point to this Being. He does not need to be taught of this. This is the testimony of the Scriptures.

Therefore, it is the pinnacle of pride when anyone claims there is no God or worse, he is better than God. The Bible has one word of description for him – FOOL.