Thursday, September 22, 2011

Seven "Whatevers" Would Do Wonders

 When I started this blog a few years back, I determined in my mind that what I wrote about would be consistent with the Bible's exhortation in Philippians 4:8.  Let's revisit the passage in NIV:  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

I might have stumbled a few times along the way but I am as determined as ever.  Think about it,  "out of the abundance of heart (mind), the mouth speaketh."  Soon, whatever a man thinks, he acts upon.  There is hardly one does that is not thought about beforehand.  The earnest advice of the Apostle Paul makes a lot of sense then.  Let us dissect it.

"Whatever is True"

Imagine if there are no lies being spread around; if no rumours being heralded as verified information.  We would be more trusting in one another; more confident and less skeptical.

"Whatever is Noble"

Think about honesty and charity; high morals and ideals.  If these qualities characterize our dealings with our fellowmen, imagine the kind of society in which we live.  See what I mean?

"Whatever is Right"

No, I am not referring to "man doing what is right in his own eyes" right, but rather objective right - the rightness that transcends cultures and preferential boundaries; the one that has universal acceptability and we know instinctively as right and affirmed by the Word of God, the Scriptures.

"Whatever is Pure"

Intentions are springboards of our actions.  Motives that are adulterated by self-promotion and aggrandizement are not Christlike.  In the same Letter, Paul says, "He emptied Himself..."  He sought out and worked for the interest of others.  Purity is also tied in holiness.  "But just as He who called you is  holy, be holy in all you do", exhorts Peter.

"Whatever is lovely"

Anything that inspires love, affection and admiration.  That which would make one morally and spiritually attractive, let your mind be saturated in it.

"Whatever is admirable"

A quality or characteristic which is worthy of adoration, love, and respect.  A virtue that is sought after and inspires.

"Whatever is Praiseworthy"

Let your mind dwell on reasons to adore and worship God for above all.  Emphasize the positive qualities of one another and talk about these instead.

Our society would be entirely different if we heeded Paul's exhortation, would you not agree?  Now let's change our world and let's start with ourselves.

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