Thursday, February 17, 2005

Longing for an early Spring

As I look outside, it is actually sunny with a thin overcast. Today is a lot better than what it had been the previous days. Winter has its unique beauty and all, but you can't fault me if I prefer sunny and warmer times. You see I originally came from the tropics and that explains my preference.

One thing I am learning as a christian is to look at things from a spiritual perspective. That if I am living in obedience to God, there are no accidents in my life. Everything has a purpose - that even what appears to be the worst can ultimately result in something good, because He looks after me, takes care of me, and every moment is an opportunity for me to be transformed into what He wants me to become.

So summer, spring, autumn, and yes winter have their purpose and their uniqueness is an instrument that God uses to fulfill His will in my life.

But then, I long for Spring!

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