Thursday, February 05, 2009

Letter from Carah #1

I have recently received letters, one of which I want to reproduce here. I have permission and consent to do so.

Hi Osteinz,

I’ve read your blog. Funny, but I seem to regularly visit it now to check for anything new. You seem to be upbeat on things – no negatives, only positives. How could you? There’s so much evil around us that you seem to ignore. C’mon now. You won’t see the whole picture of the real world if you do.

Anyway, the reason why I write you.

You are a believer in God, I can tell from what I’ve read (from your blog, of course). Perhaps, you might want to answer a question for me? Osteinz, I’m young. Why would I even bother with the thought of God let alone believing in Him?

Carah Nee Won

P.S. I hope you post more often and regularly.