Monday, June 28, 2010


We think of God as a God of Love, Grace, Wisdom, Infinite Power, Mercy, Justice, Righteousness, Holiness, etc. These attributes which He has revealed in His Word are not to be thought of as separate and independent of one another. These are better understood when viewed as acting in unity just like the members of the Godhead.

This is what I mean. When He exercises any of His attributes, it is always consistent with the rest. Take His infinite power for example. Just because this attribute enables God to do whatever He wishes to do does not mean that He exercises it capriciously. He uses His might in love within the perimeter (or is it parameter?) of wisdom, grace, justice, and righteousness.

Every act of God is an act of love, always. Each move He makes is wise, just, holy, and righteous, always. There is never a conflict among His attributes. This is because God never changes and cannot deny Himself.
God is also a God of mercy. To many, mercy is in tension with justice. Why? Because mercy is getting what we don’t deserve, while justice is getting what we deserve. There is a perceived “pull” from opposite directions, but is there really. Ah, not when you bring in love as the arbiter between the two. Love negotiates for a higher end – mercy when it can be dispensed wisely; justice when it becomes a necessity.

I therefore see a beautiful interactivity of these divine qualities. It builds confidence in Him as we see the wonderful imagery painted for us by the intertwining of His attributes.

Let us bear this in mind when we study the Scriptures. Oh, may we know God for Who He is!

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